Melody of Flame - Sneak Peak!

The highly anticipated second book in the Wildsong series debuts tomorrow! Read on for a delicious sneak-peak.

The true fated mates,
Once shall meet.
Standing at love’s gate,
Their marriage complete.
Unknown to both,
Their paths are chosen.
They’ve taken the oath,
Their hearts now spoken.


Golden eyes, as though lit from within, stared at her through the flames of the bonfire. Sorcha Kelly prided herself on never stepping down from a challenge, so she met the man’s gaze dead on, lifting her chin in acknowledgement. A smile quirked his lips, and heat seared her core as he raised a hand and beckoned to her with one finger. Pushing her instant attraction aside, Sorcha raised an eyebrow in disdain. The man had another thing coming if he thought she’d answer to a summons of that nature.

Queen of her own destiny, Sorcha turned away from the fire, and followed the increasingly heavy beat of drums that made her insides thrum. The music was impossible to resist and Sorcha bounced to the rhythm as she made her way through the festival grounds, laughing as a random woman grabbed her hand and pulled her into an impromptu series of complicated Irish dance steps. Dance was Sorcha’s love language, and she fell naturally into step, laughing and tossing her cherry red curls over her shoulder. Music, laughter, and creativity were her fuel, and this weekend’s festival for artists filled her soul.

Billed as the “Burning Man” of Ireland, the Ring of Fire Festival encouraged artists of all types to commune together for the weekend to create art that would set souls on fire. These types of events were like catnip to Sorcha, and she’d packed up Betty Blue, her trusty camper van, and made her way to the festival tucked in the Irish hills with her gear in tow. She’d freelanced for years in the performing arts, mainly in dance and acrobatics, but was currently working on a new skill that had piqued her interest – fire dancing.

The art had risen in popularity both with photographers and audiences who wanted live performances at their events. Sorcha had been booked for everything from weddings to photo shoots and was finally beginning to eke out a steady stream of income. For the first time in years, she was allowing herself to embrace her art, and her lifestyle, without the heavy weight of guilt placed on her from her family.

With six sisters, Sorcha was but an afterthought in a long line of disappointments for her father. She’d watched the rest of her siblings try to live up to his expectations and quickly realized it was a game she’d never win. She was fairly certain the only thing that could win her father’s approval would be if she could go back in time and be born a male. While she had many talents, time travel was not one of them, and she’d cut her losses and hit the road shortly after she came of age.

Oh, but she loved her life now! Sorcha laughed as the dancing woman plopped a kiss on her cheek, and she gave a small curtsy before wandering back to Betty Blue to fill her insulated cup with wine. Once there, she paused, leaning back against the cool steel of her car, and studied the scene.

The sun had long since descended, and the full moon shone brightly on the bonfires that dotted the hills. Fairy lights were strung up between campsites, and music and laughter rose to the gently sparkling stars above. Everybody here shared a common interest – to create – and the joy and love found among these people made Sorcha feel like she was burning from within. Aptly named, this festival, she mused as she took a sip of her wine.

“You ignored me.”

Sorcha jumped, wine sputtering from her lips, as she turned to see the golden-eyed man standing beside her. He’d approached as lightly as a breeze, and Sorcha took a few seconds to study him more closely to see if she could get a read on him. She’d traveled alone for years now, and her instincts had kept her safe thus far.

“Sure and you can’t be thinking that the way to a woman’s heart is to beckon her with a single finger?”

“Oh? Do you prefer to be the one who makes the demands?” The man gave her a silky grin. The light dancing in his golden eyes told Sorcha this exchange amused him.

“I do prefer to be in charge, thank you very much. Do you have a name then? Or shall I just call you a cheeky lion?”

At that the man threw his head back and laughed, the huskiness causing Sorcha’s toes to curl, and she found herself strangely entranced. While dressing in costume was encouraged for the festival, Sorcha got the impression that this man wore his regular clothes. Red leather pants, a fitted long-sleeve black t-shirt, and a tawny head of gold hair with gilded red highlights contributed to her impression of him looking like a lion. It was the eyes though, that made her take a second and then a third look. He must wear color contacts, and the effect his golden eyes had was both startling and arresting. Sorcha drew closer. Starkly handsome, with sharp cheekbones and a chiseled jaw, this man carried himself with a confidence that wouldn’t be easy for most men to pull off while wearing screaming-red leather pants.

“That would certainly be a first. My name is Torin. And what is yours, my enchantress?” The words purred from his lips, their heat searing straight to her core.

“Sorcha.” She took a sip of her wine, as her throat had gone dry, while Torin studied her with the same intensity with which she watched him.

“And isn’t that the perfect name for a woman of your nature? I find you impossibly beautiful.”

The words, simply delivered, struck Sorcha with their sincerity. Tears threatened, and she forced herself to break his gaze and look over at the festival for a moment. Quirky? Yes. Interesting. Most definitely. But beautiful? No, Sorcha had never fallen prey to those types of compliments before. While it might be just another line to get her into bed, the conviction with which his words were delivered resonated deeply within her.

“Are your eyes real?” Sorcha turned once more to Torin.

His lips quirked, the sulky half-smile that had captured her interest across the fire before, and he reached out a hand.

“Dance with me?”

“See if you can keep up,” Sorcha said, raising her chin in a challenge once more. Downing her wine, she tucked the cup behind the wheel of Betty Blue and grabbed Torin’s hand. A shock of heat rippled through her, and she gasped when his hand tightened on hers instead of releasing. Turning, she met his eyes in the moonlight and read the invitation held there.

Sorcha swallowed, not ready for the question he posed, and instead pulled him into a circle of people who danced around a large bonfire to a haunting Celtic melody. The pipers stepped forward, increasing the speed of the song, and Sorcha closed her eyes to catch the beat. Torin’s hands circled her waist, and then he pulled her into his arms. Sorcha floated along, allowing herself to be pulled into a fluid dance, the heat of his touch invigorating.

Time seemed to slow, as they fell into an ancient rhythm where music propelled them forward, twisting and turning, their bodies brushing, their gazes caught on each other. Torin matched Sorcha step for step, challenging her with his movements, his tawny eyes searing hers. As the night drew long, Sorcha found herself caught in whatever spell he was casting.

The flames will dance,

Fire lights the dark,

To give love a chance,

Takes only a spark.

His voice husky, his eyes clouded with lust and something much more tender, Torin traced a finger over her lips as he sang. Intoxicated with him, Sorcha accepted his hand when he drew her back to Betty Blue, where she found herself pulling him onto her bed, twining her body around his as sinuously as they had danced together. Caught in a spell, the two feasted on each other’s bodies, the pulsing of the drums mirroring the pulsing of their hearts, as lust and fire drove their most intimate of dances. Flames licked through Sorcha’s veins, desire all but smothering her, as she met Torin’s appraising gaze as he took her mouth once more. Light flashed, and Sorcha started, but Torin took her under once more, drawing her attention back to his touch. Only near dawn, once sated, did they fall apart, gasping for breath.

Sorcha blinked at the ceiling of her van, where she’d tacked up a hauntingly beautiful print of the sun slashing her fiery rays across a stormy sea, and turned to speak to…


Torin was gone. Gasping, Sorcha sat up and clasped her shirt to her naked chest, a trickle of sweat slipping down her back. Had she imagined the whole encounter? Her mind scrambled to make sense of the last few hours, for everything in her screamed that her meeting with Torin had been real.

Heat spread along her palm, to the point of pain, and a deep-rooted urge compelled Sorcha to open her hand. When a single flicker of flame, no larger than that from a small candle, winked to life and hovered over her palm, Sorcha closed her eyes against the panic that threatened.

Had she danced with the wrong man that night?

Sneak Peek! Song of the Fae: Book 1 in the Wildsong Series

Chapter 1:

The man beckoned to her from beneath the silky surface of the sea. The familiar unease unfurled in Imogen’s core, and instead of turning away as she usually did, Imogen met his gaze and tried to study him objectively.

The man’s grin widened. He was really more of a creature, she supposed. His skin was so white that the pearlescent sheen of it gleamed in the soft light from the moon, reminding Imogen of the underbelly of a salmon. Eyes of milky opalescence blinked at her, flashes of pinks and greens shimmering in their depths. Both beautiful and terrifying, Imogen swallowed against her suddenly dry throat as the man raised a hand and beckoned to her once more. The most surprising thing? A part of her wanted to follow him. To dive into the wintry cold water of the sea, sinking into the inky depths, and deliver her mind over to the delusions that had danced on the edge of her consciousness for years now. When that urge became dangerously close to engulfing her, Imogen turned from the bow of the boat and shuddered, gulping in a few deep breaths and forcing herself to break the pull she felt from the creature she saw in the water.

That she’d seen most of her life, that is. In her dreams as well.

It was always the same man who followed her – slipping silently just below the ocean’s surface – during stormy nights or calm blue-sky days. A part of her hated this creature, for his appearance threw her own sanity into question, and yet another part of her yearned to go to him. It was as though he was a missing link in her life, but Imogen didn’t have the time nor inclination to dissect just what he symbolized for her. Maybe, someday, when her boat was paid off and she could take a moment to breathe, Imogen would plop herself down on a therapist’s couch and pour out all of her fears. But that day had not yet come, and Imogen doubted it ever would. The luxury of analysis and self-improvement was not afforded to a person like her, who spent every waking moment trying to build her business and keep her deck crew employed.

Annoyed with herself, and the direction of her thoughts, Imogen strode across the deck of the Mystic Pirate, her very own charter boat, and locked the wheelhouse. They’d arrived in Grace’s Cove that morning, the harbor hugged by rolling green hills with colorful houses dotting the winding streets. It was a charming village, and a place that Imogen had been scouting for longer charter trips for the American tourists that visited each summer. She wanted to meet with a few B&B owners to see about offering a land and sea package holiday. Imogen’s instincts told her that a package which mixed the best of what Ireland had to offer would be well-received, particularly by tourists who had limited vacation days.

Imogen leapt onto the dock, pausing to slip on her shoes, and then walked toward the village, still feeling the familiar rocking of the boat beneath her. It was always that way when she stepped onto land, Imogen thought with a bemused smile on her face. At sea, she was at her most stable, while on land she felt off-kilter and out of sorts. With no family to speak of, and very few friends, the gentle rocking motion that plagued most sailors when they went to land was a comfortable reminder to Imogen of where she really belonged.

A captain of her own ship, on the water, controlling her own destiny.

She’d never fit in the regular world anyway, for she had no frame of reference for how the usual things were done. She’d never had birthday parties or played sports, andsports and had just enough schooling to get by. No, Imogen wasn’t going to bake a pie with a baby perched on her hip. The very thought made her laugh, as the vision of that life seemed more delusional to her than the creature that followed her at the ocean’s edge.

A recent rain had left puddles in the streets of Grace’s Cove, and they reflected the lights of the shops and restaurants that clustered together, winding up the street toward the top of the hill. Imogen strolled along, her hands in the pockets of her fleece jacket, and hummed a song that had been niggling at her brain for a while. It was one of those things where she just couldn’t place the tune, and it had been driving her wild for months. She heard the song in her dreams, and she caught herself singing it during the day while she helped to clean the boat or tallied their provisions. It was a melancholy tune, almost heartbreaking in its need, and Imogen still hadn’t been able to discover where she’d learned of it.

Opal eyes blinked at her from a puddle on the street and Imogen skidded to a stop, her stomach twisting, as the creature from the ocean smiled up at her. This was…this was new, Imogen thought, sweat breaking out across her brow. Fear gripped her and she turned to run, only to slam directly into a wall.

Well, at least what felt like a wall. Instead, hands gripped her arms, steadying her, and Imogen caught her breath as her gaze rose from the buttons of a flannel shirt and up, up, up to the face of a glowering man. Stormy gray eyes, a rough beard, and a chiseled jawline would be enough to make any woman swoon. For Imogen, it was like a plug finding a socket, and a strange energy coursed through her – making her feel both alive and inconceivably resilient.

She wanted to kiss him.

The thought shocked her enough to step back, cutting their physical contact, and the hum of energy lessened – but it did not entirely abate. Imogen was not a lusty person, oh no, if anything she found sex to be tedious or boring most times. Which is why it had been ages since she’d let a man touch her. And yet now, it was like all her senses woke up and she wanted, well, things she shouldn’t want from a stranger who was glaring at her on the street.

“What was that song you were singing?” The man’s voice, like honey spilled on gravel, caused her insides to go liquid so she just stared at him in confusion for a moment until his words registered. What an odd thing to ask, Imogen thought, and then heat crept up her cheeks when she realized she was just standing there with her mouth hanging open like a fish out of water.

“Um, sure and it’s just a made-up tune, really. A bit of nonsense at that.” Imogen cleared her throat and took another step back from the intensity of this man.

“Is it?” The man’s brow furrowed, and he seemed to be considering his next words carefully. Imogen wondered if she should take this opportunity to turn and run, but the confusing mix of feelings that roiled inside her kept her rooted to the spot. A door from the restaurant behind her swung open, and a patron stepped onto the street. Laughter, music, the clinking of silverware, along with the delicious scent of garlic danced in the air, and Imogen was grateful that she wasn’t alone on the street with this stranger. A man easily double her size, built of muscle, with a storm cloud of emotions on his handsome face.

“I believe it to be, yes.” Imogen spoke her words carefully, taking another step away, though her body urged her to step forward and back into his arms. It had felt safe there, though why Imogen needed to feel safe, she couldn’t be certain. Her mind flashed back to the creature in the puddle. Okay, sure, maybe a big strapping man by her side wasn’t a bad thing. Maybe just not this man…

“What are you?” His tone was clipped, and Imogen’s eyes widened when he clenched his fists at his sides. 

“Surely, you’ve seen a female before, haven’t you then?” Imogen arched a brow at the man. She rocked lightly back on her heels, her hand going to her waistband where her favorite knife was tucked. Imogen had learned a lot working the docks, and protecting herself had been at the top of the list.

“You heard my question.” The man glanced to the sky, his brows drawing together in concern as lightning exploded in the velvety darkness.

There were no storm clouds. Imogen swallowed, worry filling her, as the man’s eyes sought hers once more.

“And I answered it.” Imogen lifted her chin.

“Something’s wrong.” The man moved to brush past her, but stopped just at her side, and looked down at her. “Be careful with your songs, little one. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

“Excuse me?” Imogen whirled as the man raced up the street, preternaturally quiet. Unease slipped through her at the faint purple tinge she could now see glowing in a soft silhouette around the man. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen such a thing, but it was something she decidedly tried to ignore. Much like the faces in the water, Imogen wasn’t interested in trying to explain why she could see people’s auras. At least that’s what her research had led her to believe. One big problem? From what she’d learned, auras came in all colors.

Imogen could only see two aura colors. Silver and purple. Neither of which helped her when it came time to convince herself that she was, indeed, normal.

While a pint and a bit of home-cooked food had initially been what had drawn Imogen from the Mystic Pirate and into the village, now she turned abruptly and made her way back to her boat, hurrying as another bolt of lightning lanced across the night sky.

Whatever problems plagued Grace’s Cove were not her own, Imogen decided, breathing out a sigh of relief when she stepped back onto her ship. Unlocking the door to her wheelhouse, she slipped inside and locked the door behind her, and then clambered down a short flight of stairs that led to the galley and lounge area. She crossed the gleaming wood floor and opened a cabinet to pull out a bottle of Green Spot that was usually reserved for the guests and poured herself a healthy glass. Leaning against the counter, Imogen took a sip, and the familiar heat of whiskey soothed her throat.

What are you?

The man’s words drifted back to her.

“I wish I knew,” Imogen said out loud, before lifting her glass in a silent toast to the strangely glowing man she’d met on the street. “Trust me, sir, I wish I knew.”

Giveaway!! Win beautiful Irish jewelry! Wild Irish Renegade Release Day Giveaway

To celebrate the release of Wild Irish Renegade, I'm hosting a fun giveaway where you can win one of THREE hand-wrapped 2 pence copper coins in raw copper wire with a braided bail. Irish coins have been out of circulation since 2002, when they started using the Euro. This coin has an Irish harp on one side, and an Irish bird on the other; and is perfect for everyday wear!

Don’t forget to join me for a delightful Facebook Live party on March 1st. There will be games, whiskey, and, as usual - our witty banter and hilarious jokes.

My Current Favorite Reads

Current Favorite Reads

I have been getting a lot of questions lately about what I am currently reading. As you know, my tastes are eclectic and I bounce around between fantasy, rom-com, historical and so-on! Check out some of my favorite recent reads here.

Read for free in Kindle Unlimited

Midnight Moon by Linsey Hall

What I liked: The heroine (who thinks she is human) is swept up into a world of werewolves who are insanely wealthy and powerful. Spicy alert! There is some great tension between the hero and heroine which kept me hooked straight through, not to mention the almost impossible position the heroine is stuck in. This book has a nice bite. (See what I did there? 😆)

All the Feels: Olivia Dade

What I liked: Again - spicy alert! I really enjoyed the dialogue in this book. So much so, that I ended up going back and picking up a few other books of hers. It was funny, size-inclusive, and also addressed some of the challenges of ADHD through the Hero’s path in an understanding and empathetic way.

Read for free in Kindle Unlimited

Wild Knight by Annabel Chase

What I liked: I liked the world-building in this book - it’s post-apoc meets vampire romance. I enjoyed the humor that was laced through the book which lightened parts that could have become too intense. And who doesn’t love enemies-to-lovers romance? If you’re looking for urban fantasy mixed with romance - this is a great pick!

Read for free in Kindle Unlimited

Ink by Elizabeth Hunter

What I liked: This book hits some of my favorite tropes - small town, bookstore makeover, and a slow-build romance. With a cast of funny and interesting side characters, I zipped right through this story and am downloading the next in series already. It hit just the right notes of sweet and sexy mixed with sassy humor. I’m already looking forward to Tayla’s story next.

Bringing Down the Duke: Evie Dunmore

What I liked: I’m a sucker for a good historical romance. Add in strong writing, great dialogue, and an enemies-to-lovers tension build? Delightful! I can’t help but love when a historical romance breaks the tension with fun banter and moments of humor. Perfect escapism.

Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters

What I liked: Just to note - this is a heroine + heroine romance. This book packs such an emotional punch that I absolutely flew through it. I wanted to give the author a standing ovation when I finished. It features so many great tropes that I love - store makeover, leaving big city for small town, insecure heroine finally owning her own power. The romance was so well done that I cheered for Cade & Selena when they finally admitted their feelings for each other.

Read for free in Kindle Unlimited

Seducing a Stranger by Kerrigan Bryne

What I liked: If you’re fans of Lisa Kleypas, I highly recommend Kerrigan Byrne. This story takes you to the days of Scotland Yard with a tightly wound Chief Inspector who discovers that Prudence - a woman desperate to escape a boring life - may be the one thief he can’t catch. Thief of his heart, that is. (Don’t hate me - that line works, doesn’t it? 😄)

Shameless Plug by Tricia O’Malley

Ahem, I mean…while you’re here…why not introduce you to the first book in my new series? I bowed to your demands, my delightful readers, and am taking you back to Ireland where romance, magickal fae, and enchanted bloodlines make for an addictive read.

As always, you can contact me through my website at:

A Good Soul: Book 6 in the Siren Island Series

In the sixth book in this much-loved series, Tricia O'Malley whisks you away to magickal Siren Island where a mermaid discovers that sometimes love comes around twice.

Irma’s life has been defined by tragedy – one which the legends of Siren Island will never let her forget. Because of this, she’s learned that taking a chance on love isn’t worth the high cost that comes with it. Instead, Irma contents herself with the simple pleasures in life – running her guesthouse, spending time with her girls, and swimming in the Caribbean-blue waters each day. However, when a handsome Australian with a mysterious past shows up at The Laughing Mermaid, Irma’s understanding of the world shatters.

Ezra has settled into an easy life of bachelorhood, preferring to travel and focus on his one goal – uniting the Mer tribes of the world. Freedom, flexibility, and following his own whims are things he values most and he lives his life exactly as he pleases. But it only takes one note of Irma’s siren song to entrance him and now he only has one goal in mind – how to make this luscious siren his own.

Now, despite Ezra’s irresistible charms, Irma still feels like she must guard her heart. Will she be able to let down her walls and risk it all for love – one more time?

A sneak peak:


Irmine, circled the small boat, floating alone in the water, interested to see what she would discover when she surfaced. She’d been forbidden to ever approach a boat, so naturally, her curiosity had finally gotten the better of her.

She figured there was no way she could be in much danger, what with it being just a small boat. Surely it couldn’t contain so many humans that they could possibly overwhelm her. She was mermaid, after all, and could outswim a man in seconds.

Slipping her head above the surface of the water, Irmine’s heart stuttered as her gaze fell on a shirtless man with a fishing net in his hands. Sun-browned skin showcased rippling muscles and a dark thatch of hair was tied back with a rope. In profile, with the sun casting a warm glow across his chiseled features, he could have been a god.

The man lifted his head as though he sensed something, and Irmine slipped beneath the water before he could see her. Quickly, she dropped deep in the ocean, so the man wouldn’t see her shape in the crystalline waters.

Who was he? Her heart hammered in her chest and a strange giddiness welled inside of her, like little bubbles rippling through her insides.

Would he think she was pretty?

Shocked by the thought, Irmine stopped her trek back to her village and instead circled back, following the vibrations of the boat’s wake as the small sail propelled it back toward the island. She’d never visited here before as she’d only been allowed to test her land legs on uninhabited islands.

Stay away from humans. Man will only do you harm. Nothing good will befall you if you go to the island.

Too Good to Be True: Book 5 in the Siren Island series

Mirra drifted with the current, enjoying the pull of the water as it flowed over her fin, stretching her arms in front of her to revel in the weightlessness of being surrounded by the sea. Here, she was home. It was on land where she was constantly awkward, running into corners, and blushing when anyone paid her too much attention. Her twin sister, Jolie, had confidence in spades while Mirra preferred to take a quieter backseat to her antics. It was only when she returned to the sea that Mirra felt like she could truly be herself, and there she found the confidence she wished for on the shore.

Now, diving deep, she pulled herself from her meditation and let herself tune into the flow and rhythm of the ocean surrounding her. It wasn’t difficult to do – not for a mermaid, at least – and she was able to read the energy of the reefs around her to see if there was anything in distress. Periodically, Mirra would spend an entire evening searching the reefs for turtles caught in fishing line, or cleaning up trash stuck on the corals. She considered it an underwater gardening of sorts, and liked to keep the reefs around her island as tidy as could be.

When the distress call came, Mirra’s head went up. Closing her eyes, she sent out her power, like a sonar wave of magick, to find out where she was needed. The call went up again and tears spiked Mirra’s eyes as she surged forward, faster than any fish, and barreled toward where her friends were in trouble. Heart pounding in her chest, she came to an abrupt stop when she stumbled on the source of the call.
Dolphins were caught in a large-scale commercial fishing net. An entire pod of them, mothers and babies alike, all screamed to her for help.

Desperate, Mirra surfaced briefly, taking a quick scan of the situation. The boat was large, a whaler-type ship, and she knew they hadn’t caught the dolphins by accident. Large cranes creaked as they pulled the nets in, and her friends panicked, shrieking frantically in the dark water.

Diving below the surface, Mirra circled the net, sending a blast of calming magick to the dolphins and instructing them to huddle together in the middle so as not to get their fins caught in the net. From the sheath at her side Mirra drew a silver knife, impossibly sharp and blessed with magick from Poseidon himself. She focused, and got to work.

Her blade sliced neatly through the thick cable, but when it snapped, the cord whipped around her middle, ensnaring her in a hole in the net.
“Go!” Mirra urged, gasping for breath as she wrestled with the cable biting into the flesh at her waist. “Get out of here. I’ll be fine. Save yourselves!”

Mirra blasted the dolphins with her urgency and they streamed through the opening she’d created, fleeing from captivity and certain death. But once outside the net, they swam deep below her – far away from any chance of being captured again, but refusing to leave Mirra’s side. Mirra could hear the dolphins sounding the alarm, trumpeting for help from her brethren.

She gasped as the cable tightened, threatening to cut off her breath, and reeled her toward the boat. Dots sparked her vision, and Mirra knew she was only moments away from death.
“Help…” Mirra whispered, struggling desperately while trying to cut the cable once more. “Please...”

Wild Irish Christmas

I couldn’t help myself - I had to write a warm fuzzy Christmas romance!

christmas (9).jpg

Celebrate Christmas in the cove with this enchanting crossover between two bestselling series - The Mystic Cove Series and The Isle of Destiny Series!

Lily Walden finds herself inexplicably drawn to the small village of Grace’s Cove where she retreats to heal from a broken relationship as the lonely Christmas holiday looms. Escaping each evening into dreams more vivid than life, Lily nurtures a secret desire to write the fairy tales she lives each night. If only the fae prince of her dreams could rescue her from her haunted past.

Prince Callum, head of a secret faction of Fae protectors, is desperate to find his fated mate as each night she sings their lovesong to him in his dreams. One fateful night, he takes to the seas to find her, only to land catastrophically at the shores of an enchanted cove.

With Prince Callum near death, only Lily can save him in time, forever sealing their fated bond – but first, she must bring herself to believe in her own fairy tale…

Available in ebook and paperback at these online stores:


Apple Books



A few of my favorite things...

Here is a round-up of a few of my very random, but very favorite, things! If any husbands out there need a nudge in the right direction - send them this blog!


Olympus TG-6 Tough Camera.

I swear by this camera. Not only do I use it for all of my scuba diving photography, but it is great for travel or getting pictures of the kiddos in rain or by the pool. Waterproof to fifty feet and can link to an app on your phone to immediately download and share pictures. Love it!

Olympus TG-6 on Amazon.


Fresh Lip Sugar

I’m not a huge person for wearing lipstick or lip balm, so I love finding one that doubles as both and is non-sticky. On top of it - the cap screws on nicely so you don’t get it all gunky in your purse or backpack.

Fresh Lip Sugar Lip Balm on Amazon


Mermaid Oracle Cards

For a touch of the mystical, why not shake up your tarot card readings with mermaid oracle cards instead?

Mermaid Oracle Cards on Amazon


Milk Frother

Listen, nobody is going to coffee shops as much as they would like these days. Why not indulge yourself a little and froth the milk for your morning latte?

Milk Frother on Amazon


Shut Box game

I had this game growing up, and we recently bought it for our place. It’s actually quite fun and we find ourselves having a quick game over a cocktail here and there. Enjoy!

Shut the box game on Amazon.


Beach Perfume

If you are missing traveling like many of us are and want a trip to the beach - look no further than this perfume. I don’t typically like most perfumes as they give me headaches, but this one is just light enough for me! It smells like the ocean and sunscreen mixed in one and will have you dreaming of putting your toes in the sand!

Bobbi Brown Beach Perfume on Amazon.


Olaplex Hair Treatment

I am loving how easy this hair treatment smoothes and detangles my curls. I was skeptical at first, but a little goes a long way! It makes a huge difference for me when detangling my curls after coming out from scuba diving.

Olaplex Hair Treatment on Amazon

Tricia O'Malley is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, etc.

Books that helped me through a tough time.

One of my favorite self-care habits is to make a bowl of stove-popped popcorn (or now in the popcorn machine the Scotsman bought me) and curl up with a good book. In times of angst, I find myself especially drawn to the comfort of escaping into other worlds. Here are a few books that helped me during particularly difficult patches in my life.


Bet Me: Jennifer Crusie
This is one of my favorite go-to books that I will read over and over again. I love the humor and the romance, no matter what - it always picks me up.


Leave a Cheater: Gain a Life: The Chump Lady’s Survival Guide - By Tracy Shorne
The title says it all! I do recommend if you ever find yourself in this situation - let this book be your guide. It’s amazing! Or, if you want to see how it changed my life - read Ms. Bitch. :)


Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives - by Brian Weiss.
I found this book to be quite interesting. Though it can be a little salesy when it comes to pushing the author’s own talks, I do think the experience he had with his patient was really fascinating and food for thought. If anything, it has sparked some decent discussions with friends about putting our journey through life in perspective.


Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
If you have followed True Blood on HBO, this is the series that started it all. There is much more humor in the books than translated into the show, and I highly recommend this entire series.


E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout
I really enjoyed this read and also tried out conducting some of the energy experiments in the book. I think you might be surprised by the results! Give it a go and let me know if any work for you.


Why Not Me? By Mindy Kaling
I’ve always enjoyed her as an actress, and admire her achievements as a writer and a producer. She’s had to break down a lot of walls to get where she is today. I always admire strong women.


In Praise of Difficult Women by Karen Karbo
As a difficult woman myself, I highly enjoyed reading about other strong women. We can all inspire and lift each other up.


The Rules of Magic: By Alice Hoffman
The precursor to the book: Practical Magic. I love her writing style and how the author’s mind works. Highly recommend!


Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant
A simple concept with relatively simple delivery, but surprisingly effective.

Tricia O'Malley is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, etc.

What is the lure of mermaids?

In many myths, mermaids are beautiful beings that lure men to their deaths – so why are we so fascinated with them? Unless you’re the bloodthirsty sort, I doubt it’s because of a wish to destroy mankind. The more I write and read about mermaids, the more enchanted I become with their lore.


Ultimately, I think what entrances me about mermaids is their absolute confidence in their powers. They navigate stormy waters with ease – knowing that after turbulent waves smooth waters will come. Much like anything in life, storms come and go, and change is inevitable. Mermaids accept and anticipate rough waters and ride the waves with fervor and abandon, knowing difficult times never last and the moon will shine once more.

Mermaids love themselves and are absolutely confident in their beauty and ability to enchant any and all those who cross their path. You’ll never read myths where mermaids spend time questioning their own worth or their beauty. They just accept, as naturally as the sun rises in east, that they are strong and beautiful exactly as they are.

So, when you hear people saying “embrace your inner mermaid” I, personally, don’t think it means to embrace lustfully luring men to their deaths all while categorically attempting the demise of the human race. (Though, to each their own, I suppose). I think embracing your inner mermaid means taking risks, holding strong during rough times, and trusting your own personal power to own your battles.

A Good Chance: Book 3 in the Siren Island Series

Available as a paperback, audiobook, ebook, and part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription. Amazon

A Good Chance: Book 3 in the Siren Island Series - Sneak Peak!

An excerpt from: A Good Chance.

Sweat trickled down the back of Avery’s neck, even though she’d turned the airplane’s air vent on full power. Her hands clutched the armrest as the pilot announced their descent. What had she been thinking to say yes to this? Avery craned her neck to look out the window, noting that she couldn’t see anything but turquoise water below. Where exactly was the pilot intending to land this little scrap of a plane?

“It’ll be fine. The landing is a bit rocky, but the pilots do this all the time.” A breezy blond woman sandwiched next to her on the twelve-seater plane offered her a reassuring smile.

“This is… not in my comfort zone,” Avery bit out. That seemed to be the theme ever since she found out about the show. Despite swearing up and down she would not take Ruby’s place on this stupid reality show, somehow Avery had found herself requesting time off from work and booking a plane ticket. She was powerless to stand up to her sister – what Ruby wanted, Ruby always got. Avery had resigned herself to the nature of their relationship years ago, but this particular escapade really was off the charts. And, as much as Avery hated to admit it, she did need to be pushed out of her comfort zone. The accident had shaken her so much that she’d become scared to put herself out there. Granted, putting herself out there had looked more like attending a book fair in a little village on the East Coast, not hopping into this death trap that was currently hurtling toward a speck of an island in the Caribbean. But in any event, she was here and there was nothing she could do about it.

“I doubt many people particularly enjoy flying in these tiny planes,” the blonde said, having pulled out her headphones and put away her iPad.

“Have you been to the island before?”

“Nope, first time. Though I have traveled a lot in the Caribbean. But I’m here to film a reality show, if you can believe that.”

“So am I! And, again, out of my comfort zone,” Avery said, and extended her hand. “I’m Ruby – but call me Avery. I go by my middle name.” Ruby hadn’t told the producers she had a twin sister, and they’d both decided it would be easier if Avery could use her real name; otherwise she’d just be confused the whole time they were filming.

“Hi, Avery, nice to meet you. I’m Cherylynn.” The deep drawl of southern Texas tinged her words.

“Nice to meet you. I have to be honest… I signed up for this on a dare. I have no idea what I’m in for.” Avery had decided to tell people she was doing this on a dare in order to explain why she seemed so reluctant. Try as she might, Avery just wasn’t one to exude bold confidence and sultry seduction techniques. Ruby had put her on a vicious schedule of watching hours of reality-show love challenges, and it had quickly become apparent that Avery had little in common with the women who signed up for these shows.

“Well, now, honey, you’re gonna have yourself a good ol’ time,” Cherylynn drawled. “Think of it this way – you get to hang out on an island and meet new people. Either way, you win.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Avery said, clenching the armrest tighter as the plane dipped like they were going over a bump on a rollercoaster. Her stomach rolled, but she forced herself to breathe through her nose.

“Almost there. See?” Cherylynn nodded to the front window where the pilot readied the plane for landing. The airport, with a runway that hardly looked long enough for them to land on, was nothing more than a little yellow box on the side of a dirt strip. Avery swallowed down her fear.

“Why are we doing this again?”

“Because it’s an adventure.”

“Why do we need adventures? I like being in my comfy pants and relaxing on my couch where I don’t have to worry if my plane will stop in time or go shooting off the side of the island into the ocean where sharks will probably immediately descend on us and rip us to shreds.”

“My, my. Someone’s been watching too much Shark Week.” Cherylynn pursed her lips. “In any event, we’d be dead once we hit the water so I wouldn’t fuss too much about sharks.”

“Not helping.”

“I’m just saying…”

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Sneak Peak - A Sixer of Tequila!

“The flamingo’s been stolen.”

I leaned back on my stool and unabashedly eavesdropped on the women gossiping next to me under the thatched roof of Lucky’s Tiki Bar, run by my best friend Beau. He winked at me from where he was building a mai-tai in one of the tiki mugs from his new custom line of mugs – this one in a shark shape – and I knew he was listening in as well.

“Can you believe it? Who would steal a six-foot-tall flamingo?” Woman number one, in a floral dress and tasteful flats, shook her head sadly as if to say What is the world coming to?

I, too, wondered what this world was coming to, but more because I was concerned over the taste of someone who would actually order a six-foot-tall flamingo. Granted, I shouldn’t be passing judgment on other people’s design tastes, as mine ran to the decidedly more eclectic side of things.

“They say it was going to be at the entrance for the new mini-golf course. They were going to unveil it and surprise the town this week.” Woman number two, dark circles under her eyes and hair in an unkempt ponytail, shrugged. “Which is too bad. I’ve been telling the kids I had a surprise for them. At the very least, it would have been something to wear off some of their incessant energy.”

That explained the dark circles and messy hair, I thought, and sipped delicately on my mojito as I considered the news. Tuning them out as they began to discuss their kids – a topic that could often send me straight to sleep – I wondered what had happened to the flamingo.

“Think it’s just teens having a prank?” Beau came and leaned forward on the bar, his golden good looks and air of confidence making both men and women alike fall for him on the regular. But he only played for one team – and too bad it wasn’t mine, I thought, once again admiring his handsome face and easy surfer style.

“Doesn’t feel that way to me,” I said. “But I also didn’t know we were getting a mini golf course, so there’s that.”

“Didn’t you? It’s been the talk of the town for weeks now,” Beau said with a smile. “Everyone’s complaining about the name.”

“No! I hadn’t heard,” I admitted, leaning closer. “Is it bad?”

“Flocking Flamazing Mini-Golf,” Beau said, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he did his best not to laugh.

“Shut up. That’s amazing,” I breathed, immediately wondering what the Whittiers, Tequila Key’s upper-crust family, would have to say about that. Frankly, I was surprised Theodore Whittier hadn’t stopped the development in its tracks already. He was on the board of everything in town, as he liked to tell anyone who cared to listen.

I never did.

“Don’t you mean fla-mazing?” Beau asked. I laughed out loud this time while Beau went off to serve some tourists who had just arrived at the end of the bar.

Tequila Key was just a bump on the road on the way to the party town of Key West. I liked the sleepiness of the town, where everyone knew everyone and something as small as a new mini-golf course was enough to send the town into full gossip mode. Years ago, some intrepid mayor had decided to put a sign on the highway proclaiming, “Tequila Makes it Better,” thus ensuring that no tourists would ever actually visit Tequila Key. Instead they just stopped to take a ridiculous selfie by the sign before continuing on their way. I was more than happy with this arrangement, though I’d heard murmurs lately about a new town campaign seeking to encourage more tourism. Personally, after the last few months I’d had, more tourists were the last thing I was looking for. My name had been splashed across the tabloids more than once, and I was finally settling back into a normal routine with nobody hounding me for psychic information.

Aside from my clients, that is.

I’m Althea Rose, co-owner of the Luna Rose Potions & Tarot Shop. I was recently outed to the world as a psychic by several gossip magazines and a reality show producer – whom I’d subsequently helped put in jail – and my client list has exploded ever since. Granted, I shouldn’t say I’d been ‘outed’ – I’d never hidden the fact of who or what I was – but I certainly didn’t enjoy looking at my life through the lens of a tabloid magazine. Not to mention that the editors liked to choose the most unflattering photos of me they could find. It was enough to put anyone off wearing a swimsuit in public ever again.

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A Sixer of Tequila: An Althea Rose Mystery


Escape to Tequila Key where magic and mayhem run amok in this fun new addition to the lively Althea Rose series!

Nothing sets the gossips of Tequila Key on fire as much as a new mystery to solve, and word on the street is that a flamingo statue for the new mini-golf course has been stolen. When the Flamingo King himself arrives in town to investigate, no one is more shocked than Althea when Miss Elva takes a shine to the man. Despite her protests, Althea is dragged into chaperoning Miss Elva on their dates, all while doing her best to not to cringe every time she hears Miss Elva giggle.

Althea is more than content with letting someone else track down the stolen flamingo, because she has bigger worries on her mind – like returning her life to a semblance of normalcy. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and somehow Althea has an aptitude for stumbling her way into trouble. When it turns out that the disco gala hosted by the Flamingo King in the Bahamas isn’t all just sequins and sparkles, Althea has to race against the clock to save not only her friends – but herself.

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The saga of the artichokes.

Guys, I know. It sounds ridiculous. But I kind of obsess over artichokes. I don’t know why, I’ve just always loved them. My mother would make them when I was growing up. First she’d steam them, and then serve them with melted butter. Sometimes there were parmesan bread crumbs sprinkled into the leaves, but usually it was just a simple steamed artichoke paired with melted butter. Then you’d dip each leaf in butter, savoring over the deliciousness until you worked your way down to the best part - the heart!

Anyone who knows me, knows my deep love of artichokes. When they are in season, I’ll steam several a week and eat them as a meal for dinner. But once I moved to the island, who knew that this was going to be one of the biggest things that I missed? ARTICHOKES. Now, we do get canned artichoke hearts here, but it just isn’t the same.

One intrepid friend tried to bring me artichokes in her luggage when she came to visit. Her bag got detained and she spent half the trip without it. When it finally arrived? The artichokes had been removed.


Imagine my delight when I walked into the store the other day and saw real, fresh, globe artichokes. I almost shrieked in the store. Naturally, I bought eight of them.

See? Look at that photo. Heaven.

Unfortunately, since it’s been so long since I’ve cooked artichokes, I forgot that it’s best not to throw the discarded leaves down the garbage disposal.


Three days of The Scotsman cursing under the sink.

Three days of no kitchen sink to use.

Three days of glowering looks from the Scotsman.

And an assist from a plumber who had a few of the tools we didn’t have.

And now, my sink is clear, my pocketbook lighter, and can you guess what I’m making for dinner tonight?

You’re damn right. ARTICHOKES. Mmmmmmmm.

Froggo...not doggo.

Here is a cute frogfish. I found him when he was but a wee baby, and I’ve been checking on him over the months as he grows. Don’t say he’s not cute, it’s a face only a mother or an avid scuba diver could love. Or maybe it’s just the mermaid in me…you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. :)

*the yellow photos are him as a wee baby and he changed colors as he grew older.