We're adding to the family!
Errrmm, well, as in we've adopted two turtle nests through the Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire Organization!
We've really enjoyed learning more about our little island and all the ways they are contributing to helping the environment. As you all know, we love to scuba dive - so partnering with STCB was something that we were more than happy to do!
Now for the fun part - time to name the nests! If we're lucky, we may even get to see pictures from when they hatch (though that often happens at night as they like to follow the light of the moon).
Nest 1 is a Loggerhead nest and Nest 2 is a Hawksbill nest. Head on over to THIS POST at Facebook and contribute a name idea. The one rule is that it must be related in some way to my books - be it using a character, a theme, or a concept. We'll let people vote and when the two names are chosen - if you win - we'll donate $50 in your name to STCB.
Nest One - Loggerhead
Nest 2 - Hawksbill